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Market Entry Office Hours at Ion Prototyping Lab

Recurring Event
Category: All Communities, Corporate Innovators, Founders & Startups, Ion Prototyping Lab, Office Hours
ion bike club



September 13, 2024
10:30 am - 2:00 pm


4201 Main St., Suite 170
Houston, TX 77002


So you have a great product, now what?

IPL+Ekte Media have partnered to advise you on building a credible brand, positioning your product effectively, and attracting the right people—whether that’s investors, customers, or both.

During these office hours, we’ll focus on how to establish credibility through strategic brand storytelling and positioning. Learn how to build trust with your audience, leverage your unique value, and create a brand narrative that makes investors and customers believe in your product’s potential. You’ll walk away knowing what next steps are needed for you to position your product for success and grow your business with confidence.


Ion District Parking Garage

Enter 4111 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to this parking garage, located a block from the Ion. Parking in the Ion District Garage is free for the first two hours.

Red Parking Lot

Enter 4203 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to the red parking lot, located across the street from the Ion. This lot is for overflow guest parking and tenant parking and is free for the first three hours.

Information and access to pay online for parking in the Red Lot can be found here.