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Ion Prototyping Lab Office Hours

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Category: Academic Network, Founders & Startups, General Community, Hardware, Ion Prototyping Lab



January 23, 2024
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm CST


4201 Main St., Suite 170
Houston, TX 77002


What is the Ion Prototyping Lab (IPL)?

The Ion Prototyping Lab is where your ideas meet the designers, engineers, and fabricators who can make them a reality. It is located at the Ion, the intersection of Houston’s culture, creativity, and innovation. Our 6,500-square-foot site offers access to equipment, engineers, and technical training–a must for every inventor, innovator, and creator.

The Ion Prototyping Lab Office Hours allow entrepreneurs to engage an expert one-on-one and explore options for building or producing their devices. Everyone from seasoned entrepreneurs to educators or “just a person with an idea” is welcome. Walk-ins are served on a first-come, first-served basis.


Ion District Parking Garage
Enter 4111 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to this parking garage, located a block away from the Ion. Our garage is available to all tenants and guests of the Ion and Ion District.

Red Parking Lot
Enter 4203 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to the red parking lot, located across the street from the Ion. This lot is for guest and event parking.

For more information and access to pay online for parking in the red lot, click here.