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Chevron Studio: Chevron’s Innovation “Matchmaker”

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Category: 3rd Party Registration, Clean Energy, CleanTech, ClimateTech, Corporate Innovators, Houston Energy and Climate Startup Week, Panel Dicussion
Chevron Studio Logo



September 10, 2024
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm CDT


4201 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
+ Google Map


Register to learn about Chevron Studio, a unique program in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The program matches entrepreneurs with IP from national labs and universities to advance the energy future. It has completed four cohorts and two entrepreneurs are now in scale-up. Babur Ozden and Aquanta Vision were the first to graduate into Chevron Studio’s Field Trial Phase. He’ll join Chevron strategic relationship manager Lynn Rouse for a fireside chat. After the presentation, there will be an open office hour, where you’ll have the chance to learn more about the program.

Register here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=oZ15_cG_NEKpHHKzocueJlsc6D4uvT5Ijlff_8FN0SRUQ0hRSk0xSldDTlROSlFIVjBPU1pXSjlNNy4u&route=shorturl.


Ion District Parking Garage

Enter 4111 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to this parking garage, located a block from the Ion. Parking in the Ion District Garage is free for the first two hours.

Red Parking Lot

Enter 4203 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to the red parking lot, located across the street from the Ion. This lot is for overflow guest parking and tenant parking and is free for the first three hours.

For information and access to pay online for parking in the red lot, click here.