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NASA Tech Talks: Robotics in the New Space Economy

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Category: Academic Network, Aerospace, Corporate Innovators, Founders & Startups, General Community, Investors & Capital, Networking, Panel Dicussion




August 22, 2024
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm CDT


4201 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002


We want HOU! Join us to discover NASA’s toughest tech challenges and apply your skills and expertise to solve them.

This month’s topic is: Robotics in the New Space Economy

Brice Howard will be speaking on the roll robotics will play in building the new space economy and how Novium is helping to pave the way. Join us after the talk for drinks and networking at Second Draught!

In these presentations, occurring on the fourth Thursday of the month, Mr. Montgomery Goforth, Assistant Director, Strategic Pursuits & Partnerships – Engineering Directorate, NASA JSC,and other aerospace subject matter experts will discuss the technology development challenges faced by NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) and the surrounding Aerospace community in our ongoing efforts as the hub of human spaceflight. Presentations will focus on how these challenges, and the associated opportunities, can be leveraged by Houston’s innovation community.

About the Speakers:

Brice Howard is co-founder and President of Novium since its founding in 2021. He brings a wealth of engineering and leadership experience to Novium and is guiding the company through its pivot from primarily a successful partner in engineering services for mainly larger, established and leading new enterprises to a broader platform that will provide advanced robotics systems to help its current and new clients fulfill their ambitions in space. He has over 17 years of experience and excels in deploying complex novel hardware and software technologies. His technical skills as a mechanical engineer include deploying complex digital systems, digitization of manufacturing technologies (Industry 4.0), and, of course, robotics. Complementing his technical skills, he has developed an inclusive, driven management style setting large expectations and timelines to move quickly. NASA and Intuitive Machines, where collectively he spent nine years, have entrusted Brice and the Novium team with vital engineering services. Brice holds advanced degrees from the University of Houston and Texas A&M University.

Montgomery B. Goforth has more than 40 years of experience as both Engineer and Manager in a variety of highly technical space and defense-related efforts.  After working for a small defense contractor specializing in anti-submarine warfare, he joined NASA’s Johnson Space Center in 1990.  He has held leadership positions in multiple JSC Directorates and Program Offices. In his current role as Assistant Director of the JSC Engineering Directorate, he has established a framework to better focus Engineering’s efforts towards Human Spaceflight technology and systems development consistent with JSC and Agency goals for exploration. He has used this framework to guide Engineering’s internal investments and external partnerships supporting Lunar and Mars Exploration. Mr. Goforth was born in East Texas, raised in Southern California and Arizona, and graduated from Rice University (BSME 1982, MSME 1987).


Ion District Parking Garage

Enter 4111 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to this parking garage, located a block from the Ion. Parking in the Ion District Garage is free for the first two hours.

Red Parking Lot

Enter 4203 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to the red parking lot, located across the street from the Ion. This lot is for overflow guest parking and tenant parking and is free for the first three hours.

For information and access to pay online for parking in the red lot, click here